Vincentian International Mission Services

Vincentians are agents of change. In his day, St. Vincent inspired clergy and lay people, royalty and peasants to serve those neglected by society. We continue his ministry today. Join us in making the world holier, kinder, more productive, in short, more the way God wants it.  

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Vincentian International Mission Services (VIMS) helps fuel the growth and development of the Congregation of the Mission especially in countries where resources are few and progress is difficult. We also raise funds for special projects of the Superior General so that the mission of St. Vincent dePaul thrives in the 21st century. 


PROJECTS: Our History of Service


With the help of the VSO and other donors, the parish completed a 650-person ‘house’ for God in Biro–a milestone for this vibrant Catholic Community. On September 27th, the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, the pastor, Fr. Stanislaw Deszcz, C.M. led the faithful in the first Mass in the new parish church. In the worshipping Assembly, both priests and the faithful confirmed God’s request to dwell among his people of Biro, Benin.

Cattle Breeding in Costa Rica

Thanks to our generous donor-partners, Vincentians in Costa Rica purchased ten head of cattle where they now graze happily on parish-owned land. These cattle are now adding to their numbers. Each year more calves are born. Some are sold. Some are raised for beef. Some will be bred so that the herd grows. All of this has helped make the lives of locals, “campesinos,” better.

Solomon Islands

When was the last time you even thought of the Solomon Islands? Thankfully, many friends of the Vincentians responded to the call to help the Good Shepherd Parish community to build an appropriate church and a pastoral center replacing the “temporary shelter” that had been in use long after any definition of “temporary” should extend. The parishioners love gathering for Sunday Eucharist in their simple and beautiful space. The VSO’s approval process ensured the parish had the capacity to receive the funds, manage construction, and complete the process. We brought together funding from multiple sources to make this happen. And now, everyone is thankful!

Coming Soon: More stories of the projects we support, and how this impacts the lives of people around the world.

Gondi Fund

Supports seminaries and related projects

2019-2020 Goal:
$6 million

Folleville Fund

Supports ministry and mission works

2019-2020 Goal:
$3 million

St. Lazare Fund

Supports administration and professional development in provinces and for VIMS

2019-2020 Goal:
$2 million

Donate Now to support our work

Your donation with help us to fulfill our mission of service through seminary support, ministry support or administrative support.

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