
Vincentian priests and brothers care about and seek to serve everyone within their village, town, or neighborhood. Core to integral human development is the person’s connection to and integration in the community—all the other people who are part of the large or small system in which they find themselves. Thus, Vincentians care about the education of all people, the employment of all people, the health and safety of all people and establish programs to help meet these needs.

Again, we harken to St. Vincent himself for inspiration. In 17th century Paris, St. Vincent, along with his primary ministerial partner, St. Louise deMarillac, made sure thousands of people living in poverty were fed, that refugees from the war-torn countryside received care. They made sure “foundlings” (orphaned babies and children) were housed, clothed, fed, and educated. They helped young people learn skills so they could earn money.

Vincentians today look for the needs of the community and seek ways to provide them. Thus, it is not unusual to find a sewing cooperative, health clinic, computer lab, or micro-enterprise like a coffee-roasting plant that employs people in a place where Vincentians serve.

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