
Remember Hotel Rwanda?

by | Jan 17, 2022

16,000 Burundians have fled to the United Nations refugee camp in far eastern Rwanda to escape threats made by the current leading party. Vincentians have been asked to serve them. Will you help them get started?

Right now, because of a change of government, there are 16,000 Burundians who fled to the United Nations refugee camp in far eastern Rwanda to escape threats made by the current leading party.

Vincentians have been asked to serve them. They, of course, said yes—a very full-throated YES!

Will you help them get started? Your gift will help with everything from paying rent so the Vincentians who are going to serve there, Fr. Samuel and Bro. Jean Claude, have a place to live and can put food on their table. You’ll also help fund the ministry they will offer–everything from celebrating Eucharist and other sacraments to visiting the homebound to providing food and medicine to those who need it.

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Fr. Mark Pranaitis, C.M.

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